Using Your Temerament During this Crisis

As we continue to deal with the Coronavirus, many of us are still S heltering in Place - I want to put out some ideas for weathering this storm. One of these is the idea that we need to remain who we are, at a deep level, and do what we do best, that is, what is natural for us. Of course most of us will be doing this already, but I find that if we make a note of our temperament and use it to understand ourselves we can use this to make sure we are doing what is most important to us. When I work with groups I sort them into four groups - based on their temperament - and then I give them a problem to solve. I then see how their temperament affects the solutions they propose. I use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to do this. Here is a little short hand version of it: There are four temperaments within the MBTI: Guardians - People of this type like to keep the world running smoothly - They are the community builders and they are responsible and c...