Sheltering in Place - The Perfect Time to Reflect on Your Life path

In many ways this Sheltering in Place mandate has a silver lining, in fact many silver linings.  One is that all of us are more focused on our family and friends and even though we may not be able to be with them in person, we can communicate with them via email, text, telephone, Facebook, Instagram, Facetime, Skype or Zoom.  Another one is that if you have children you are able to spend unlimited time doing things with them that you probably did not have time to do before we were all told to stay home.  You also have time to clean out that closet, your garage or as my youngest daughter and her husband are doing, re-model your backyard.

But the silver lining I would like to suggest is to do all those things, but also take some time, alone, and go deep and reflect on your life path and make sure you are going in the right direction for you.  Below are some suggestions to help you get started.
  • Morning Pages - Julia Cameron came up with the concept of Morning Pages in her book, The Artists Way.  Morning Pages are three hand written pages done in the morning as soon as you get up.  Doing them in the morning, before your day gets going and in long hand, allows your subconscious mind to come out and tell you what is really going on with you.  Don't worry about spelling, punctuation or writing the great essay - just let your hand do the writing and see what pops up.  
  •  A Walk in Nature - put that masks on, but leave your ear buds at home and go for a walk without technology - turn your phone off and put it in your pocket and only use it if there is an emergency.  Pay attention to what you see, feel and think.  
  • Read an Enlightening Book - I recommend James Hillman's The Soul's Code or Carol Pearson's Awakening the Heroes Within, or if you are in midlife, my book, Second Act Soul Calls.  
Once you have done these things for about a week, begin to think more deeply about the things that have come up.  I will have questions from some of my clients, and myself, for that matter, once these three things become habit.  I will highlight these questions next week with my Tuesday Blog.  

Blessings, Lorraine 

New Visions - Wellness Within 
A Learning and Growing Resource
You Have to See it to Believe it and Take Action to Make it Real 
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