Create a Joy Basket

Like the little girl in the picture, we need to create and use a Joy Basket during this time of Sheltering in Place.  Like her we need to have things in our basket that amuse us, entertain us, challenge us to take risks and figure things out and that move our mood to an optimistic and joyful place.  

Children are naturally good at this and will do it, no matter where they are.  I remember years ago when my youngest daughter was about two years old we moved temporarily to Minneapolis while her father took a six month training course for his company.  We rented a two bedroom furnished apartment while we were there.  Well, my daughter used the entire apartment, and especially the kitchen as her very own Joy Basket.  We have a picture of her crawling into the cupboards and banging on pots and having the time of her life.

Make It Hands On -  Not Virtual 

You can crate a Joy Basket for this time of sheltering in place.  Below are some ideas of what to put in it, but make it a real basket and not a virtual one because there is something magical and inspiring about touching and seeing real things and not simply looking at them on line.  Plus the whole family or you and your partner or even you on your own can view and touch these special things.  It can either be a group activity or it can be done on your own.  

Items to Put in Your Joy Basket
  • You and/or Your Family's Favorite Movie
  • Books That are Inspirational 
  • Poems that Move You to Laugh or Cry 
  • Pictures of You, Your Spouse, Partner, Family or Others Who are Meaningful to You
  • Pictures that Make you and your Family Laugh and Remember Special Times
  • Games You and/or Your Family Like to Play
  • Puzzles - that Puzzle You or Your Family 
  • Inspirational Quotes  
  • Art Supplies 
  • Cook Books and Recipes
  • Jump Rope and Chalk
  •  Musical Instruments 
  •  Masks and other Dramatic Items - Maybe Even some Dress Up Clothes
  •  Anything Else that Inspires or Intrigues You 
When and How to use your Joy Basket

The best time to use your Joy Basket is when those in your household get restless and are feeling a bit of cabin fever or if you yourself feel this way.  This should not be an everyday thing or the basket will lose it's Joyfulness and become mundane.  Or you could designate a certain time of the day as Joy Basket time and use the items that require you to do something specific like art supplies, cookbooks, chalk and jump ropes, games and designate this time as Joy Basket Creative time.     

Regardless of how to use your Joy Basket or what you put in it, make it meaningful to you and your family.  If you have children, then let them help you create it.  This will make it more meaningful to you and them.  Meanwhile stay safe and have faith that this time will pass and life will go back to normal.  BTW, once this Pandemic has been conquered, keep your Joy Basket and use it any time you need or want to bring some joy into your life.  

Blessings,  Lorraine 


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