Quarantine Fatigue - Creating Your own Sturcture will Help

All of us are starting to feel quarantine fatigue. During this mandate to Shelter in Place many of us are anxious about what is going to happen next. We find ourselves frustrated and stressed with this change and worrying about the changes to come - we miss our routines, our daily tasks and our co-workers and friends. But one of the things I know is that when we are faced with change we can deal with it by creating some structure in our lives. Sitting at home and taking each day as it comes without any real structure is hard for anyone, even those of us who are open ended creative types. So I have some suggestions for minimizing the fatigue you may feel by creating some structure in your life. Like the young woman in the picture here we need to make a calendar of the activities we want to be doing each day of the week. In my own case I have worked from home both writing and seeing clients virtually for some time now, but even someone who norm...