
Showing posts from March, 2020

Create a Joy Basket

Like the little girl in the picture, we need to create and use a Joy Basket during this time of Sheltering in Place.  Like her we need to have things in our basket that amuse us, entertain us, challenge us to take risks and figure things out and that move our mood to an optimistic and joyful place.   Children are naturally good at this and will do it, no matter where they are.  I remember years ago when my youngest daughter was about two years old we moved temporarily to Minneapolis while her father took a six month training course for his company.  We rented a two bedroom furnished apartment while we were there.  Well, my daughter used the entire apartment, and especially the kitchen as her very own Joy Basket.  We have a picture of her crawling into the cupboards and banging on pots and having the time of her life. Make It Hands On -  Not Virtual  You can crate a Joy Basket for this time of sheltering in place.  Below are some ideas...

The Silver Lining of Sheltering in Place

My Gift to You at this Time  Free Counseling and Coaching  It's been almost a week since the people in America have been told to go home and shelter in place.  So like most everyone, that is what I am doing.  Then last night on the PBS News Hour, I saw Yo Yo Ma talking about and demonstrating his idea of playing music as a gift to people to help alleviate the stress of this whole thing.  He calls it Songs of compfort - see below for link .  So when I woke up this morning I thought that's the kind of thing I should do - so I am offering  my services to people as a gift during these stressful and uncertain times.  What I am offering is free counseling and coaching until the world rights itself back to a normal place.  I am setting aside two days a week to do this from 1 PM to 4 PM Mountain Standard Time on Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice.  I will chose people based on the email they send me.  I will chose thos...