Whatever You Do - Make it Count and Spark Joy

The other day I spent some time in a classroom of severe needs students - many of them on the Autism Spectrum and some who had Downs Syndrome  and others who were otherwise unable to do most conventional academic work but what I found was they could all dance, play the guitar or mimic playing one or banging on a drum and having a delightful time using what they did have - enthusiasm, joy and energy of the human spirit - in that moment -  in that classroom.  

What hit me about this, beyond the fact that I too had a terrific time dancing and singing to the music and watching these kids go for it, was the teacher in this classroom who got out his own electric guitar and amplifier and played his heart out.  He was doing what Yo Yo Ma said in an interview I watched that same night on PBS - "Whatever you do, make it count."  That teacher was making what he did as a teacher for these kids, count.  He was inspired and he was inspiring. Those kids loved what he did, he loved what he was doing and of course, these kids felt joy in their hearts and souls and so did the teacher - I could tell.  It was a win-win for everyone, if I've ever seen or heard one.  

Make What You Do Count and Spark Joy

But how do you know if what you are doing counts?  Well, if it sparks joy in you or those around you then it counts, because there is only one way to know for sure and it is an internal soulful feeling.  What you do counts if you feel that it does AND IT SPARKS JOY.  Because here is the deal, some things count but don't spark much joy.  Joy is an emotional, soulful feeling and not a logical thing.  There are a lot of things out there in the world that logically count - in most cases these things do count for someone - just not for you.  If you do not feel inspired and passionate to do what you are doing, whether this is your profession or some other commitment, then you need to stop and evaluate it for what it is - something that does not spark joy and therefore does not count for you. 

To Count - It Needs to Spark Joy

If what you do does not spark joy then it's time to see what does.  Rather than going out immediately and looking for a new career or quitting suddenly whateve is not sparking joy, it is time to look at what does this for you.  Take a long meandering look back on your life and think about the times you lost track of time, when you did something that created pure joy in your soul.  Think about your childhood self from about 8 or 9 years old - what did you love to do?  Who were you then?  How did you spend your time?  What did people say about you?

Take Your Time - You Have All the Time You Need 

When it comes to figuring this out, that is, finding your passion and your joy, you have all the time you need.  I tell my students that your life is a journey to find and act on your purpose which is always joyful and this may take some time.  Don't beat up on yourself for your choices or your current commitments, just look at them as sign posts along the way pointing you in the right direction.  But if you do go down a road that is bumpy and filled with misery and pain, take a long hard look at it and see what you can figure out.  If you have trouble with this then you might want to take one of my programs/classes.  I teach people about finding their joy and making it count.  Would you like to learn about how to spark joy in your work and in your life?

Blessings, Lorraine 

New Visions - Wellness Within  
A Learning and Spiritual Resource 
Programs - Classes - Retreats 
Individuals - Groups - Organizations
720-258-5963 - lorrainebanfield@msn.com 
