
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Dark Night of the Soul

Do you ever have a night when you just cannot get to sleep and rather than getting up and trying to figure out why, you just lie there tossing and turning or getting a book and distracting yourself.  I know I've had these and so have many of my clients. I call these nights messages from you soul - messages you will be glad to hear and act on as soon as you figure out what your soul is trying to tell you.   Of course, this is not simply a take the call and do what you're told to do.  The soul speaks in symbolic language which is often difficult to grasp.  But grasp it you must or more of these nights will show up for you.  One way to help figure this out is to do Morning Pages - an idea by Julia Cameron who wrote The Artist Way , a book written to help artists and would be artists allow their creativity and artistic nature come to fruition.  But of course you do not need to be an artist or even a would be one to benefit from Morning Pages. Morning Page...

Genius Cards and Idiot Cards - Which are You Playing?

The hand you got dealt at birth is the hand you will need to play to win at the game of life.  I call this the Hand of God and it's your job to make it work for you and the rest of the world.  This hand will have some terrific cards, I call these your Genius cards, but it will also have some troubling ones, or ones the world does not value very much or ones that put you into chaotic places, I call these your Idiot cards.   Last night I watched the second installment of Ken Burns show on PBS about country music.  As a southerner and someone whose father was a country music singer and song writer I found myself fascinated by this program.  I knew all the singers and song writers they featured.  I even knew most of the words to the songs.  There I was singing along to Your Cheatin' Heart, I'm so Lonesome I Could Die and If You've Got The Money Honey I've Got the Time.  This surprised me as I never thought of myself as a country music...