The Wisdom and Positive Use of Anger
This past weekend two more mass shootings happened. This makes me angry! Sitting in our homes watching another one of these stupid, horrific and unexplainable choices made by these young men flow out of our television screens or computes is something our intelligent nation has to do something about and we need to do it now! We need to get angry about this! We can't wait until a new president is elected and we can't spend our time wringing our hands and hoping for the best. The best is not happening, the worst is happening. As a nation and as individual people we need to take some action. We need to get off our butts and go do something. Now!!!
Anger as Motivator
When we get angry about something, that anger can and often does motivate us to take some kind of action. If we are, as the name of this blog implies, learning, growing, and evolving people, then we need to use this anger in a positive and productive way. Unlike the immature, mentally ill people who commit these mass shootings, we don't' get angry and start killing people. We get angry and start killing the laws , the internet sites and the stupidity of allowing social media to promote the actions of young men like this. We take action not with guns but with our intelligence and our wisdom.
Anger as Action Taker
So what action can we take? I'd say the first action we can take is go on line and see what others are doing and join in with them. The second thing is poll your friends and family - ask them what they are doing or willing to do? Write or call your local representatives and see what they are doing. Then review history - what have others done when faced with tragic situations? Look at what actions worked and which ones failed to make a difference?
Use Your Big Brain for Answers
As I said in my first post on this new blog, I think the people reading it are smart people - so be smart and use your brain for new ideas and ways to solve this problem. Sit down with yourself or with others and contemplate what needs to be done here, even if in the past these things have not worked. What can be done that has not been tried before or even if it has, what new way can you address it.
Use the Wisdom of Anger to Fix this Now!
Human beings and even animals have anger as a motivator to take action - if we didn't we'd all be dead by now, but we have to use it in a wise and judicious way. It's the fight or flight response to threating situations. Well, this is certainly a threatening situation and taking flight is not the answer - not by a long shot. So what are YOU going to do? I myself started with this and I will do the things I listed above as well. I posted the picture above of people marching to protest something they feel threatened by, maybe I'll do that, maybe you will.
So let's get started - let me know what you are dong and I'll post it here.
Blessings, Lorraine
Anger as Motivator
When we get angry about something, that anger can and often does motivate us to take some kind of action. If we are, as the name of this blog implies, learning, growing, and evolving people, then we need to use this anger in a positive and productive way. Unlike the immature, mentally ill people who commit these mass shootings, we don't' get angry and start killing people. We get angry and start killing the laws , the internet sites and the stupidity of allowing social media to promote the actions of young men like this. We take action not with guns but with our intelligence and our wisdom.
Anger as Action Taker
So what action can we take? I'd say the first action we can take is go on line and see what others are doing and join in with them. The second thing is poll your friends and family - ask them what they are doing or willing to do? Write or call your local representatives and see what they are doing. Then review history - what have others done when faced with tragic situations? Look at what actions worked and which ones failed to make a difference?
Use Your Big Brain for Answers
As I said in my first post on this new blog, I think the people reading it are smart people - so be smart and use your brain for new ideas and ways to solve this problem. Sit down with yourself or with others and contemplate what needs to be done here, even if in the past these things have not worked. What can be done that has not been tried before or even if it has, what new way can you address it.
Use the Wisdom of Anger to Fix this Now!
Human beings and even animals have anger as a motivator to take action - if we didn't we'd all be dead by now, but we have to use it in a wise and judicious way. It's the fight or flight response to threating situations. Well, this is certainly a threatening situation and taking flight is not the answer - not by a long shot. So what are YOU going to do? I myself started with this and I will do the things I listed above as well. I posted the picture above of people marching to protest something they feel threatened by, maybe I'll do that, maybe you will.
So let's get started - let me know what you are dong and I'll post it here.
Blessings, Lorraine
I'm trying to be as positive as possible, and am immersing myself with good comedic, safe to the heart media.