Expanding - While Narrowing Your Path

I'm back and today, I want to write about how a self-actualizing person must continue to expand their life and their beliefs while at the same time narrowing their path. What this means is that a well lived life needs to incorporate many different aspects while at the same time continuing to fine tune the whole thing. Because the truth is that if we are open to everything , then we become scattered and fragmented. Being open minded and free spirited is a great thing, but at some point we need to focus and begin to narrow our path to the things that are indeed important, that is, key to our self-development. Let me give you an example – let’s say that you are this open minded person and love to learn new things and while you are at work, or with your friends, someone mentions some new thing and you go home and start Googling it and for the next few days, weeks, even months your mind is filled with this new information, but then one day you wake up and reali...